“Are you running your own race?” This is a question I keep asking myself as I prepare for my third half marathon. I’m 39, my knees are definitely not the same as when I was in my 20’s, and Lord knows that my sleep hasn’t been the same since having kids. So why did I even sign up for this? Why am I doing this to myself?
Your Own Homeschooling Race
Then it hit me how similar running a race is to homeschooling. Both of these events require preparation, dedication, patience, consistency and a lot of self talk and words of encouragement. You see, if you’re like me, you have unconsciously compared your child’s academic level to other children their age before. I know I’m doing my best given my circumstances but I often ask, “Am I doing enough with her”, or “She should be reading by now.” I’ve come across other homeschoolers her age and they are writing and reading full sentences. On the contrary, she just finished mastering her letter sounds and is now starting with cvc words.
So where am I going with this? Grace! Give yourself grace.
I registered for a marathon because I truly enjoy running. It’s my outlet and also because I’m turning 40 in a few months, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important to me. Did I register to be the first to cross the finish line? No. Am I training to qualify for the Boston Marathon? Absolutely not! The reality is, no matter what my preparation consists of or the amount of self talk, I’m running my own race. Actually, everyone is running their own race. The end goal regardless of time or speed, is to cross the finish line.
The same should be asked towards my “why” regarding homeschooling. Did we make the decision to homeschool so she can have a true individualized education? Yes. Was our decision based on not having a standardize test to measure her learning goals amongst her peers? Yes. So why still compare her growth to other children her age? That’s the beauty of homeschooling, we get to be flexible with her learning.
Celebrating Milestones
As we homeschool our children, our goal should be to focus on their learning journey while we celebrate progress along the way. Just as a runner celebrates each mile marker, a homeschool mom celebrates each concept or skill that is mastered.
Same but Different
A common factor that all homeschooling moms have is that we chose to homeschool our children. The ways we choose to do so may look different for all of us. From resources, curriculum, enrichments, extra curricular activities, whatever they may be. Like myself, you may be learning how to navigate homeschooling with a toddler ready to climb the Christmas tree all while also running a homeschool pod. Therefore, in this season of my life and our homeschool journey, I’m choosing grace as I run my own race.
If you’re reading this and perhaps have let comparison rob your attention, I encourage you to ask yourself what is your why in homeschooling and be reminded, we’re all running our own race.